*Information about Café Vert and Colon Detox [#x2d3aea3]

Lose weight without a yo-yo effect, without a strenuous sports program and without starving or giving up your favorite food? This is possible with [[Cafe Vert and Colon Detox>http://www.beautyprodukte-test.com/cafe-vert-und-colon-detox/]] . These are diet pills and a detoxification preparation , which mainly taken combined, dispose of fat from the body. This works through the ingredients that dissolve fat and burn as well as optimize the organs so that a healthy and long-term weight loss even without sports and nutrition change takes place.

Cafe Vert is a Germany-approved diet pill made from a vegetable base. Its main feature is to dissolve fats , with the stored fat reserves on the collar. These are often positioned differently among the sexes. In women, they are mostly on the abdomen, hip and thighs, while in men they either deposit on the abdomen or spread over the entire body. Through Cafe Vert, an attack occurs, in particular on the fat storage cells , whereby these are dissolved by special substances in the preparation. In addition, fats in the blood circulation are eliminated in advance, so that you do not get to the storage locations as grease reserves and increase the amount of fat cells there again.

[[Cafe Vert and Colon Detox>http://www.beautyprodukte-test.com/cafe-vert-und-colon-detox/]]